Cloth 101
Cloth diapering doesn’t have to be all or nothing…
Cloth diaper part time or full time . Cloth diaper during the day, and use disposable at night. Have cloth diapers on hand for when you inevitably run out and can’t or don’t want to run to the store.
Cloth diapering may seem daunting. It may seem an investment up front. But did you know it’s actually incredibly simple, and actually saves you thousands of dollars especially if you factor that you can use the same set of cloth diapers on multiple children should you choose.
Very soon we will post some tutorials to our social media, so please follow our Instagram @littleonereusables.
Get Started
To cloth diaper for one day typically you will need 3-4 covers and 8-10 inserts. Boosters are only necessary if you need extra absorption for overnight, long car rides or naps.
A fulltime set of diapers allowing you to wash your diapers every 2-3 days would be 9-12 covers and 20-24 inserts.
A wet bag or two will be helpful to store used diapers between washing or if using cloth while out of the house.
Diaper Changes
Diaper changes will look much the same as disposable diapering. The biggest difference is that cloth diapers generally fit better than disposable and many experience fewer leaks and the dreaded blow outs. You’ll also notice a drastic reduction in the amount of garbage you are creating by switching to cloth diapers.
The diaper cover has a double row of snaps across the front panel which are your WAIST SNAPS, the corresponding WING SNAPS on each side of the diaper will fasten the diaper cover at the waist.
The middle panel of the diaper cover has your RISE SNAPS in a 3 x 4 setting. This allows you to adjust the rise of the diaper to fit a baby from approximately 8-35+lbs. the bottom row of snaps on the rise will correspond to the smallest setting and you will use the setting until baby grows and you adjust to the next row of snaps above. The inside of our covers have 2 snaps that you will snap our gusseted bamboo cotton inserts into.
Once your cover is adjusted to the correct size to fit your baby you will take an insert and snap it into the diaper cover.
Put diaper (with insert snapped in) under baby just as you would a disposable. The biggest difference in fitting is you want the leg gussets of the diaper cover to sit into the crease of the groin/thighs.
Bring front of diaper up below baby’s belly button. Wrap wings to front and secure snaps & your all set!
When diaper is wet, you can simply unsnap the insert, and place the insert in the wet bag. If you would like you can wipe the inner of cover with a baby wipe and set it aside to air out, while you use a new diaper cover and insert for your diaper change. The 3rd diaper change your 1st cover will then be ready to be reused. You can continue to reuse the diaper cover until it is soiled. At the end of the day place the used covers in your wet bag and start fresh the next day. This generally allows you to use 3 covers per day.
When baby soils diaper with solids, remove solids over toilet, and flush. Many choose to use a diaper sprayer and/or diaper shield to make this step even easier but it isn’t necessary to cloth diaper successfully.
See our ABOUT page for washing and care instructions 🩷
Please always contact us with any questions!
We will be posting video tutorials soon, until then follow us on Instagram and view product photo demonstrations. @littleonereusables